Twin Engined Drag Car History
Rick Clark
1960's Contributor: Bob Rogers The C&M Machine Shop Special
More photos on our Twin page.
New Year - New Photo - New Twin
The Syndicate, newest
YouTube Video.
If you like Twins - this is the issue for you.
Now you can search for your favorite Twin, be sure to let us know if it isn't here.
Twin Engine Drag Car History
We hope you find a picture or Two worth a 1,000 memories.
Dennis Friend Joel F. Naprstek Byron Stack
Twins and much more
from Union Grove, Wi.
The quickest 258 runs on gas, blown or injected. Many of our Twins are there.
Our fourth new Twin of 2015 - Burnett, Malland, and McKenzie
Thanks to Bill Pratt ( )
Gasser Madness has returned.
11 / 28 / 2014
Illinois Legends Website - A TwoToGo bonus feature - Updated - Bud & Don's GuZler - Remembered New Photos - Jack Ditmars - Tom Trisch

Some of these Twins nave been on "Twins List" page from day one ( thats almost 13 years ago ) when TwoToGo became a web site. Moving them to this Home Page in hopes of getting some photos. This site not possible without the help and contributions ( not $$$ ) of the people that visit here. Thanks in advance.
First Ten Twins Honorees ......
Fife and Davis - Full Sized Hudson Twin Don Karraker - An older Flathead Twin
4 and 6 cyl. Twins ......
Have all the photos but we have two unidentified up above.
In-Line Twins 1950's to 1965 ......
Lewis Carden - Two Injected Small Block Chevys Warren and Coburn - One Injected / One Blown Small Block Chevy
Tommy Springfield - Small Block Chevys Richie Anderson - Injected Small Block Chevys
In-Line Twins 1966 to Present ......
Blind ,Crippled and Crazy - Two Small Block Chevys Roberts Automotive - Two Blown Hemis Tony Luciano - Two Blown Hemis Koehler and Burk - Two Big Block Chevys Tom Studinski - 1948 Ford Coupe - Two 409 Chevys Stevens Family - Rear Engined - One Blown - One Turbo Charged Hemi
Flathead Twins ......
David Maset - Two Flatheads Jack Williams - A Flathead Twin From Canada

2 / 13 / 2015
Unidentified Twins are now at the bottom of the page with larger thumbnails in the hope of jogging a
few memories.
2 / 16 / 2015
New photos added to the Bill Mullins restoration page.
April - New Photo Of The Month - The Orner Autiomotive Twin with their unique fuel injectors.
Just a reminder for visitors to the TwoToGo website - there are 63 pages and almost a 1,000 photos here dedicated to preserving the history of Twin Engine Drag Cars. 99% of the photos are thumbnails which will lead to a larger picture, not always the best quality but we do what we can do.
Need to Identify this Twin - one of our First Ten - been told it is not Jim Brissette.
Now ID'd Prater and Jones